Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Foul Phantom

Olivia was doing some weird things a few weeks ago. She was smuggling litter from from her litter box, pulling fur out of her chest, and not eating. She was also putting the litter in her n
est box. I was quite freaked out.

I kept praying that 'Livia would stop tearing her fur out and finally gave the problem to God.
For some reason, I was really relieved.

Then I went to Mom and told her about the problem and she Googled it. Well, it turned out that Olivia was going through a 'phantom' pregnancy, or basically in heat. Moms are awesome!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sicky, Sicky

Last Friday I got to
spend the night at my friends' house.
It was a blast, but I woke up with a bad stomachache.
My mom picked me up and brought me home
earlier than we had planned.
I ended up with a fever and feeling yucky all day.
Praise the Lord, I was better soon!
I'm back to normal now--whatever that is.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

Ice Cream in January

As a reward for doing well in a class yesterday,
Mom took us out to Dairy Queen.
The guy there was so nice,
he even let me help make my ice cream cone.
It was fun and delicious.

Here is John with his cone.
He said that the ice cream was so scared
that when he started to eat it,
it turned yellow!
(Not really. . . it was just dipped in butterscotch!)

It was 47˚ outside, and rain was falling hard,
but we enjoyed our ice cream nonetheless.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Photo Dare

Mrs. Kraft has challenged us bloggers (oh, that's me!) to put pictures we usually wouldn't show on our blogs...the other pictures. So here are some funny ones that we took with our cell phone camera. They were very spontaneous...well, almost all of them.

My brother John and I were tired from a very large breakfast at IHOP.

Crazy hat night for our AWANA clubs was last Thursday.
Mom bought this one year for Dad to wear,
and he refuses to wear it the right way.

John and I were fooling around with the settings on Mom's cell phone.
Negative mode is awesome!

Mom caught Dad and John in a silly moment at the grocery store.

We decided that feminist vandals must have done this
to this restroom sign.

We call this "John's First Kiss."
This picture from the "Princess and the Frog" was on
an elevator door at a shopping mall.
John absolutely posed for this picture!
(He's standing in front of the frog's picture, of course.)

We couldn't believe this when we saw it, so we snapped a picture
to prove that there really are places that deep fry twinkies and pastrami!
Together? Ewwwww!!

I'm wondering if the website that provides my "Daily Manna" verses each day does this on purpose! Today's verse is about laughter. Wow!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Welcome to my blog

I just started this blog, and it's REALLY exciting! I'm looking forward to learning how to post pictures, scan my drawings so I can share them, and how to journal online. Thanks, Mom!

First, I'd like to tell you about my blog's name! The rabbit in the title pic is named Olivia. She was an answer to prayer! Each of my family members has a pet that they claim.

Sasha the tortoise shell cat belongs to Joshua.

Milo is the white shorthair feline that belongs to John.

Our dog Sugar adopted Mom and Dad.

That left me without my very own animal companion. I begged my parents for over a year for my own pet. A dog? A beagle would be great. "No!" came the reply from my parents, "Not another dog or cat!" How about a snake? "No way!" declared Mom. A frog? A lizard? No, I cannot snuggle with those. How about a beta fish? We had one of those one time that actually lived for a over a week. Having cats around the house kind of made that one a scary idea. So I just kept praying and trying to figure out what I could have for my very own.

One day while I was at Vacation Bible School (VBS), our neighbor knocked on the door. She wanted to know if the little white bunny in our front yard belonged to us. My mom spent about 30 minutes trying to catch the little thing which kept hiding under the bushes in the front yard, the backyard, and even under the car. Giving up in frustration, my mom went back inside the house to work, not trying any longer to protect the rodent from becoming road kill. The next day I happened to be home from VBS because I had a slight temperature. Again, our neighbor knocked on the door. Could you believe that the bunny was back??? Because my mom had gotten out a cage the day before, we were ready! Our neighbors helped us finally catch her with a fishing net. Gotcha!

My brother and I typed up fliers and passed them out all over the neighborhood, even putting them in mailboxes to be sure our neighbors would read them. We did research about how to care for rabbits, what to feed them, and what kind of habitat they need. After three weeks and no responses, my parents announced that I could keep her! Hurray! I had done such a good job taking care of her, feeding her everyday, cleaning up her messes, and so on, that they believed I could handle the responsibility of her full-time care--inside the house, this time.

We purchased a super duper rabbit cage that rolls and has a little nest box and all kinds of other cool features. Eventually we needed to add bungee cords to hold it together because it had some design flaws and because Olivia gained a bunch of weight. I guess I'm pretty good at feeding her regularly! Here are a few pictures of her in her cage. By the way, she really does have red eyes!

Isn't she cute? She eats grass and weeds from our backyard. Free food! She is especially partial to the dandelion juice! She also eats most veggies in our fridge, although she doesn't care for zucchini, broccoli, or green beans. We buy her timothy hay, cubes made of hay, rabbit food, and all kinds of fun chew toys from the pet store. She really likes to munch on pine cones.

Believe it or not, but she actually uses a litter box! Not the cat litter, of course--that would hurt her lungs. No, she has her own box in her cage with a special litter just for rabbits and other small animals. She immediately knew what to do with that the first time we put it in the cage. She was either trained by someone else or else God just gave her that instinct. Whichever the case, it sure makes cleaning her cage a lot easier.

I have a metal pen that I set up now and then so that she can have some safe exercise time in my room. If I don't keep her in the pen, she hides where I cannot get her and she chews on furniture. Bad Bunny! When I scold her for this, I call her Olivia Gwendolyn. Doesn't that sound official? A middle name always adds emphasis when you're being scolded. I can also take the pen out into the backyard (when it's not cold and rainy like now), and give her outside time in the grass.

As you can tell, I love talking about my beautiful bunny.

I added a gadget to the sidebar on my blog that provides a new Bible verse every day. Because this will change each day, I have to show you what today's verse is!!!

Isn't this totally appropriate for today's post? God is good! No, God is always good awesome!

Bye for now!